
Based on extensive research, Svec Executive Search uncovers trends and insights into a range of biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical issues currently impacting business.


BioSpace is the leading online community for industry news and careers for life science professionals. For over 23 years, BioSpace has provided quality recruitment and job seeking opportunities for professionals in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

ASCO was founded in 1964 by a small group of physician members of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) who recognized the need for the creation of a separate society dedicated to issues unique to clinical oncology.

Fierce Biotech

Biotech companies in the U.S. drew a weak $852 million in venture support over the past quarter, a distinct downturn over a burst of new financing rounds in the second quarter. That dollar figure represented a 39% plunge from the second quarter, though the smaller bankroll was divided among 123 deals, with a 10% jump in the number of companies involved.

FirstWord Pharma

FirstWord Pharma supplies global news and intelligence to the pharmaceutical industry. The service provides the top industry news stories on a daily basis in a format that is quick and easy to access so that users can always be in-the-know about the latest news and developments in their industry.

Clinical Trials is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world including relevant history, policies and laws.

Oncology Business Report

Everyday OBR compiles, filters and prioritizes the day’s oncology news while also providing unique insights and editorials to complement the fast moving oncology news. Our readership, loyal users and testimonials grow every week, month and year because of the quality we put into building OBR daily everyday.